Trailer for "With Secrets at Our Fingertips"

Oct 02, 2012 18:05

This is a vid trailer for With Secrets at Our Fingertips by lc2l, made for thesocialbbang.

Fandom: The Social Network
Pairing: Eduardo/Mark
Rating: G
Music: Goodbye by Apparat
Footage: The Social Network, Shortbus, my own
Length: 2:15 min
Dear Eduardo,
It is mid July 2005 and you have just paid a girl named Alice 30 million dollars to wipe three years from your memory.
In your jacket there are details of a bank account containing a further 500 million dollars and tickets to Singapore.
Go. Don't look back.
Eduardo Saverin
Notes: Thank you, lc2l, for writing this amazing story, for letting me play with it and for answering all my random questions. Thanks to y_ctrl for early feedback and neongelbgruen who's insightful advice made this vid so much better, I can't even tell you.

Password is tsn

Trailer for "With Secrets at Our Fingertips" by lc2l from bingeling on Vimeo.

Download: 51 MB, zipped mp4

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i made something?, big bang, tsn, fanart: vid

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