New Pledge for America Inc.

May 16, 2011 11:50

"I pledge allegiance, to the logo, of the United Corporations of America,
and to the profit for which they stand, one Nation, underpaid, with liberty and justice for a few."

Why not just change it and stop pretending?

Our politicians are owned. The government regulatory agencies are toadies for the very industries they are supposed to regulate. The Supreme Court protects corporate interests in Orwellian examples like "Citizens United". Wall Street plays the markets with unbridled greed like coked-up wanna be rock stars, and gets bailed out while Main Street pays for their habits. The media is a complicit mouth piece, churning out opinion in the place of news and offering low budget shit in place of quality programming. Monopolies are now called "mergers" and shipping jobs overseas is protecting "the bottom line". The work environment is as poisonous as the world environment. Indoctrination is replacing education...the NRA gets more respect than the NEA...bullets over books...war before wisdom.

Where does it end? Can we turn the tide...reverse the course before it is too late?
Or is it already too late?


corporate america

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