Who put this "multi" in my "culture"?!

Apr 28, 2011 15:58

"Pardon me while I whip out my long B.C. (birth certificate)"
Seriously people? Some smug, ultra-rich (despite numerous business failures) racially insensitive huckster spouts off that he wants to see the darkies papers and rather than laugh this pudgy, pus filled troglodyte off the planet, he is showered with non-stop media coverage and a new army of knuckle dragging mouth breathing supporters?
So the POTUS incredulously gives in. He produces FURTHER proof that he is indeed legally working in the USA. Unnecessarily, mind you. Proof had already been produced, but it wasn't enough for this army of brain dead "Birthers".
But that is the problem. No proof will ever be enough. This is a failing of moral fiber. These are people who come from a long line of xenophobic, fact deprived zombies. George Washington himself could rise from the dead and give his Founding Father Seal of Approval to the presidency of one Barack Hussein Obama, kissing him on the cheek and handing him the ax he whacked the cherry tree with as a Holy Scepter of Truth and there would still be that amorphous conglomeration of retrogressives crying "foul".
Look...those of us who live in the rational world are tired as hell of your knee jerk, moronic bleatings. You are all up in arms because your beloved Cracker Palace has been taken over by someone you can only envision as the help. Too damn bad. Guess what..."Leave it to Beaver" was a TV show and no amount of wailing and gnashing of false teeth can change the fact that the world is changing and you are being left behind. And not like in the crappy Rapture novels. Multi-culturalism is the new norm and most of us are cool with that. The whole "America as a melting pot democracy" isn't just some hollow platitude we mouth while flipping between Fox News and "Dancing with the Stars". You can't wrap your minds around the facts of a dynamic and changing world, so you live in your fear hovels and self reinforce narrow minded fallacies. But guess what...Minorities can do shit just as well as you! They can even be President! Oh! And poor people aren't all lazy brown welfare sponges popping out babies for extra cash and buying Louis Vuitton clutches. Not to mention, two people of the same sex can have long lasting marriages and gays can fight right along with straight people without trying to seduce them in the showers (despite your deeply buried fantasies of such). And these are the realities that are becoming part of the evolving experiment known as "America". Fighting this doesn't make you more patriotic. It makes you an embarrassment. It makes you less of an American.
Obama is the President. Deal with it. In 2012, you can try and vote him out. Unless you have actual issues with policy based on fact and not some corporate generated list of talking points, then kindly STFU. Maniacal ravings and conspiracy theories make you irrelevant and immediately dismissed.
K. Thanks.
Oh and MSM lackeys....quit giving these idiots a platform. There used to be this thing called "journalism". Google it. It's sad when it is hard to differentiate the news cycle from reality television. Shit. Wrestling is more authentic.
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