It sure has been a looooong time! I should have another post coming soon. No promises on how long it will take, but I'm slowly going through my bookmarks.
[J2] J2 If You Care To Stay (complete) by hkath Summary: Jensen's got a thing for his roommate... he just doesn't know which roommate.
It has been a very, very long time since I've posted any of these, so naturally, I have a ton! I hope to post more in a few days. Maybe you can find something that you haven't read before!
Handsome (complete) by deirdre_c Summary: Jensen is a royal guardsman who’s gravely wounded during the assassination of the Queen by her traitorous
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Here be the fics! Mostly J2 and Sam/Dean with some SPN Gen and Crossovers tossed in. Happy reading!
[J2] J2 Stranded in Motion (complete) by tebtosca Summary: After a roadside bombing leaves his life in tatters, Private Jared Padalecki finds hope for a new future in a Texas hospital.