BP and MissMargaret Present: A Mini-fic-athon of the 100th (26/27)

Apr 20, 2010 14:52

I'm pretty sure M and I promised we'd fix these two, didn't we? :)

ETA: Love ya, M! Thanks for all the wonderfully creative times you've provided me with. ♥

Part 25.

Title: Let's Take Our Time Taking Turns In Touching.
Author: billpickle

His first instinct (when her lips skim his shaven scruff and her hand finds that spot right by his elbow) is to pull her into his lap, wrap his arms around her and just... hold.

Hold her like he's never going to let her go (physically, metaphorically, symbolically...).

So when she tries to take a step back; create a little space between them, his fingers quickly find their way home to her waist and he tugs.

She's standing in the vee of his legs now, and he isn't quite ready to not be with her yet.

“Booth? What are you-”

“Trying to convince you that I'm not going anywhere... that you need to stop fighting this and that you need to stop fighting me.”

She ignores him, escapes his hold, but he quickly grabs her hand instead.

“Bones, don't.”

She shakes her head; there are tears threatening to escape as she tries to break free from him, but he isn't having any of that. She belongs right here with him and he just... he need to know that he's given it his all-- that he's done everything he possibly can to convince her that even if she pushes, she'll always be his.

“No. I'm just going to end up hurting you, Booth. And I hate that... I hate when I hurt you.”

“So don't. Quit trying to protect me, Bones, because I don't need that. What I need, is you.”



They're both standing now, and he lets his thumbs brush over the soft skin of her knuckles. She's trembling (or he is, he can't be really sure at the moment because all he can feel is his heart, pounding within his chest).

“I love you.”

Her eyes widen and her attempt to escape him becomes weakened.

“And I'm never going to stop loving you, okay? So please, Bones. Help me understand how someone so brilliant as you, doesn't get that? This is me, your Booth. And I'm not going anywhere without you.”

And just when he thinks he's pushed her too much; that he's bullied her into being unafraid, she takes him by surprise in that whole gets your knees weak, kinda steals your breath away a little bit, way.

She kisses him.

She kisses him good.

The End in the Beginning (AKA To Bones to my Booth).

miss m & bp mini-fic the 100th, mini-fic: bones, pairing: booth & brennan, tv shows: bones :), lj friend: _missmargaret_

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