Nov 12, 2003 14:30

Last night, kept up till around 2:30am by the grunts and groans and growls of my neighbors bumpin' their bits together. I don't know for sure, but it sounds like they were peaking about every 5-10 minutes, but kept trying again and again to make it last. I suppose I would've been annoyed, except I am a perv and I kind of enjoyed listening to them go at it.

Except when they woke me up at 6:45am with their morning sex. Hey, fucking's great, loud noisy fucking's even better, but dammit, the sanctity of my sleep is inviolate! Bah! Humbug!

Work is work, nothing special. This is my first time posting from the office. I continue to wait for some great philosophical inspiration to post here, but apparently the filthy conditions I work in are not conducive to such higher thinking. Maybe it's because of the people I work with:

"Do you have that faggit's invoices?"
"I can't drop the price if he tries to jew us down any more."
"I hates niggers."

Yep... I am quite positive this is NOT my dream-job...

work, tards, t-dogg & rhonda

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