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Nov 13, 2003 16:16

Terribly, terribly dull at work today. What else is new? Now I just have to figure out what this nagging feeling is that I should do something important. I've paid my bills and rent, I have food, but I guess I could get some milk and cereal. Perhaps... perhaps I should try to have a little fun tonight. But how? Hmm... As Dexter would say, "Thees eez quite a delimna!"

I had a fiercely naughty erotic dream last night, but I'm not quite sure if I should post something quite that intimate here. Besides, what if one of the people I dreamed about should read this...? I suppose that could also be an argument for writing it, too, all things considered. But no, most of the people who would read this are not going to be benefitted, let alone interested, in hearing my deepest fantasies.

Whoops! 4:20! Time to go... home. ;)

work, contemplation, food, dreams

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