This post brought to you by some cheap brand of vodka.

May 29, 2006 01:42

What does it mean when you have two rocky, sequential, but extremely deep, breakthrough discussions in a row in your relationship, even when friends are over for a party? It means you have an awesome girlfriend. A fucking awesome, understanding girlfriend. And I don't mean this in the "I love you, man!" kind of way, I mean she really, really is understanding. If it wouldn't completely embarass her in front of Jay, I would go into the living room right now and bury her with hugs and kisses.

Also, Danielle has really kickass friends, even if they are a bit odd. And also, Jay is a cool dude who deserves a lot more and a lot better. And there is a strong possibility of DragonCon, as Tim and Jay both want to go, and Danielle, too... but can we swing it? We will see...

Also, alcohol. Lots of alcohol. Apparently if I eat a Little Debbie brownie while drunk, it does not make me want to barf. HAH! I prove them wrong, I do! YES.

girlfriend, friends, party, booze

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