Interesting Things Continue

May 28, 2006 05:46

So I went to the meeting yesterday morning, nearly got smooshed by some old dude in a truck who thought the stopping point at an intersection was nearly a full car length past the stop sign on my way there. Somehow, I managed to ninja-flip (or something like that) over the handlebars and land safely on my feet.

Anyway, at the meeting Crystal mentions that she had to hire two more people because one employee's going on materinty leave, and also because, "Bill's coming off the time schedule." By coming off the schedule, she means that I'm going to be moving to the management schedule. It's out, and all we have to do is make it official in paperwork. Woo! This will mean a pay raise that will widen the margin between desperation economy and regular living. Not counting paperwork and some other things, I'm already working at this level anyway, I think.

Danielle and I had a heart-to-heart talk last night, aided by booze. We considered the future and ourselves etc. I love these kind of conversations with her, because she's very honest and open, and not at all facetious or immature with her feelings. One thing we settled on was that tomorrow, we will drop by a bank or something and ask about small business loans. Oh, nothing concrete yet, but few business ideas suffered from a little research and planning... Anyway, after that I managed to beat her phenominal luck at Phase 10, and then we snuck over to the swimming pool and snogged for a little while. Heh heh.

Lasty, I am, again, unable to make myself sleep at a proper hour. Ugh. At least I'll get snuggs from my sweetie.

work, contemplation, bike, girlfriend, woohoo!, living, booze

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