
Jul 01, 2016 11:37

I remember the days when LJ was just part of my usual internet behaviour.. yeah, it was before facebook and twitter, but my normal reaction from getting home from school/uni/work was to immediately jump on lj! I do miss those days. I had so much to say. Speaking of facebook, I'm *almost* feeling the urge to delete it. I don't think I will, for conveniences sake, but it's annoying me lately.

I'm currently sitting on my bed, drinking coffee and patting the Simon-cat who has recently decided that he likes sleeping on my bed. I don't know if I've ever mentioned Simon... he is the stray cat who about two years ago decided he really liked my house, and was moving in whether I liked it or not. I put up a decent fight for about 6 months, and then gave up because he is adorable and was very persistent. And loud. He'd meow at my windows for hours in the middle of the night, just letting me know he was there and would really rather be inside. How could any cat lover say no - however much you really shouldn't have three cats? So he moved inside properly and got his own food bowl. My other cats never minded him - I think Dean was the one who told him he should move in. Not that they curl up together or anything, but they are friendly enough. And Penny doesn't like any cats, but she tolerates Simon in the same way she's always tolerated Dean.
When I took Simon to the vet to be desexed she guessed that he was about 5. I don't know how long he'd been homeless, but he was obviously not well fed. And not a great hunter... he's too playful to be a good hunter. We had a pet rabbit get loose in the street a few months ago and it was just on my front lawn, digging holes, and Dean went all shadow-of-the-night-hunter mode and Simon bounded over to the rabbit like he was in a Rom-Com where the two lovers run across a meadow at each other.... Strangely the rabbit was a bit shocked at this.

life, kittens, random

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