Summation: I'm an asshat but I need an opinion or two...wait, what?

Nov 15, 2010 18:45

I feel like all I'm doing lately is apologizing for not reading my flist and overall being a complete asshole. It's just that I was in one of my antisocial moods recently and I don't know what spurred it on. In all honesty, I don't really mind these moods since I'm not depressed or angry or anything negative, plus they don't last very long. But I know others mind these moods, so for that I'm sorry if I haven't been around, though I sort of have since I've been lurking and reading posts but not responding. Yeah, way to go, self. That sounds better and not creepy at all.

In lighter news, five more entries after this and it'll be my 1000th post! I have no clue what it's going to be. Definitely a party. Possibly I will riff my first post, the portrait of a dipshit. That sounds like fun. There's an even bigger milestone coming in March, my five year anniversary on livejournal. It might not seem like a big deal since I've been reading fanfic since I was, like, 12, but when I signed up on livejournal, I was a lurking nobody who never really participated in fandom, so that's big. I might go crazy and make a little tribute vid to all the fandoms I've been in, kind of like this vid except with all the fandoms I am/was interested in. My way of giving  back to all the joy they've collectively brought me over the years. :D

And finally, I have absolutely NO IDEA what I want to do fannishly. I have about a million things I want to do, mostly Star Trek-related, but I can't decide what I should focus on. I do, however, know that I want to do some more meta soon, since I like doing it and it's easier than, say, writing fanfic, which I'm still shying away from. Problem is, I don't know which one to focus on, so I shall bend to public opinion and let you guys vote on it.

Poll Meta poll!

poll, fandom, lend me your rears, flist love

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