'What I Know of Other Fandoms' Meme

Nov 08, 2010 18:52

Stolen from probing_grays:

MEME: Explain what you know about the fandoms your flist is into, but you are not into yourself.

FANDOMS INCLUDED: White Collar, Doctor Who, Bandom, Castle, True Blood, Vampire Diaries, Stargate Atlantis, Inception, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Starsky and Hutch.

WARNING: Possible spoilers and maybe some unintended insulting if you absolutely fucking adore a fandom and I'm misinterpreting something. But take heart, since a lot of the fandoms I'm into now were looked on with scorn before I became a fan of them. Other than that, prepare for a lot of hilarious misunderstandings.

White Collar: Bomer is in it and I know him from Chuck. He's a con artist and apparently a cop uses him to help solve crimes. There's lots of homoerotic things, I'm told. Other than that, Bomer just looks really good in a suit.

Doctor Who: A dude time travels using a phone booth named The Tardis for some reason and for a reason unbeknown to myself, every season they get a new actor. Is he is a mythological creature or what? There's these things called Daleks that destroy shit but can't go up stairs, IDEK. Apparently there's good slash to be found between The Doctor and The Master which just sounds delicious. The only two scenes I've happened to look at are one in which there's these angel statues or something and another from apparently the current season in which a girl for some reason forgets the man she loves but sometimes she cries for no reason, and that's really good writing so perhaps I'm just afraid of getting too in fandom and having to watch so many seasons.

Bandom: From what I gather, it's like popslash except with emo bands, mainly My Chemical Romance and Panic at the Disco. So it's mostly RPS and I've never been interested, even if they do kiss and rub each other because it seems like most of the band members are butt ugly or else are not the kind of dudes I go for. I can't fault them, however, because my early days were in popslash fandom, WAY before I was into the Harry Potter fandom.

Castle: No idea. Is this a period drama or something? Is this like a chess metaphor or what?

True Blood: Vampire series on HBO, obviously it has more sex than the average vampire show. I'm not sure but I think there's a gay character on there? Could be wrong.

Vampire Diaries: Kept seeing previews of this during Supernatural, and my sister and I agreed that it looked like utter shit, One Tree Hill meets Twilight. If it's on the CW, chances are that it can't be good at all.

Stargate Atlantic: One of a franchise of other series, sort of like how Star Trek has more than just one series, there's this ring thing like The Guarian of Forever except maybe it doesn't talk and it transports people places for reasons that escape me. This series is a big deal because of the epic slash of Rodney/... fuck, I can't remember the other's dude's name right now-that's how little I know. Probably never touched this fandom because, until Star Trek, I've never been into teleivsion sci-fi. Now I just kind of don't know where the fuck to start and if I'm required to watch other series or movies to understand this one series, then there goes any temptation right there.

Inception: I have the DVD rip, but have yet to actually watch it because I was spoiled for the end. It has Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy, that I know, and the major pairing is Arthur/Eames, who don't appear overly interesting to look at. There's shit about dreams inside of dreams, 'darling', strutting Leo on set, the plot is intricate, and it's 2 1/2 hours and I just haven't found someone to sit and watch it with me.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: I just saw the movie and I loved the movie, so that will probably tell you what kind of Buffy person I am, lol. I honestly had never seen an episdoe of this show, ever. There was a lesbian on the show, right? And a guy named Spike and he gets a spin off or rather a dude named Angel gets a spin off and if you asked me which is which at gunpoint, there's a 50% chance I'll be shot dead.

Starsky & Hutch: Bell-bottom pants. Two old, not very good-looking guys. An inordinate amount of touching, good god. I saw a fanvid a week ago out of pure curiosity and good damn, there seemed to be no end to physical slash. I mean, who puts their hand on their buddy's stomach casually as they're standing on the street, and then drags it across possessively? I suppose after seeing Boston Legal, my ageism has diminished to nothing, so now I just have to get over my inexplicable fear of mustaches and 70's chic. NO ONE LOOKS GOOD IN A MUSTACHE. NO ONE.

fandom, meme, random

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