Spock is the love of Kirk's life (and hey, it's not just me saying that for once!)

Nov 16, 2010 09:33

I'm happily working on meta, but I must share some brief K/S squee I've indulged in recently, and I get so used to tumblr sometimes that I forget that the majority of my flist doesn't use it and therefore doesn't get to see all that we collectively talk about.

There was a slew of Star Trek programming on the Biography channel a couple of weeks ago, and while some of it was utter crap (the one that claimed to be about the fans but was almost completely about a fucking auction, the 30-year-anniversary special in which only a couple of interesting people talked and the rest was a goddamn clip show, etc.) there was some fantastic stuff, most notably a celebration of all the captains of the Enterprise, including Captain Fine (though his portion was, obviously, quite brief.) I wonder if someone uploaded it or something because it was just plain good and as someone who has barely seen anything besides TOS, it was cool seeing all the captains compared to each other and my interest was piqued by a couple of series. But the best part? One of the humorous comparisons was how many times each captain lip locked and good lord, our man Kirk blew the rest of them out of the water with that one, and he only had three seasons to work his mojo! As always I was just pleased to watch Kirk being talked about and utterly amused at how the "outside world" views Kirk as a complete ladies' man. Which he is, of course, but in all truth he's more everybody's man, if you know what I mean. Of course they talked about the Enterprise being the love of his life, and I shit you not, right after that some dude goes, "You could even call Spock the love of his life" and I'm sitting there silently squeeing, trying not to wake up the household, and then they add "not sexually, of course, but Spock is always there for Kirk and Kirk would give up everything for him."

I don't get the universe, seriously. It's totally okay for them to be the love of each other's lives, so long as there is no sex. Well, that's no fun.

   also, this is appropriate for this post 

slash, their love is oh so canon, boldly slashing where i've never slashed, space husbands, yeah i'm a trekkie whut, art

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