2010 defriending of doom

Sep 04, 2010 06:52

I just completed the most massive defriending I have ever conducted. 52 50 defriendings. Holy fuckballs. Yeah I just up and decided to get over being nostalgic or keeping journals in hopes that the owner will update. If you were defriended, the reasons were not personal. Here's the criteria I defriended by:

1) You haven't updated in months
2) You haven't updated in months AND the last update was sort of lame/an oasis in the middle of a desert of non-activity
3) We have absolutely no fandoms in common anymore and haven't talked in months (some of these defriendings physically pained me)
4) I have no idea who you are and you probably friended me for update reasons anyway
5) You are a rec journal/music journal

So if you've talked to me in at least the past couple of months and we're still in the same fandoms, then you shouldn't be deleted. This whole defriending assumes that these people aren't around much to care one way or the other about defriendings or we're too different now for it to sting too badly. I could have made a serious error and you really wanted to stay on. DON'T HESITATE TO COMMENT AND ASK TO BE ADDED BACK. Not one defriending was made because I didn't like someone or had a problem. Hell, a good portion of theses are people I adored in the past and still esteem very highly.


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