I'm dropping out of fandom. Seriously.

Aug 05, 2008 21:54

Fandoms are completely stupid.  They're all made up of stupid girls getting wet over gay guys.  It's immature and doesn't have a single shred of intelligence to give to the world.  So I'm dropping out of all fandoms, because I've seen the light.

I was completely wrong:  Wincest is truly disgusting.  What kind of person can watch Supernatural and think that they are anything but brothers?  The show needs more girls for Sam and Dean to date.  Bela shouldn't have died because Dean/Bela would have been awesome.  No one wants to watch a show with just two guys and some old fart named Bobby.  Jo needs to come back in the fourth season and be like Buffy.  Oh, and Jared and Jensen are not having sex.  They're just friends, how can no one see this??

God, and Due South is a really dumb show.  Ray Kowalski is an annoying prick with skinny legs.  The show would have been much better without him, but they just had to put him in the third and fourth seasons, making them the worst two.  Everyone knows that Fraser should be with Meg!  They made out on a train and it was SO romantic!  Their relationship is totally understandable and based off of mutual interests!  Also, Paul Gross would definitely kiss me 'till I weep, because he is an ugly motherfucker.  Someone get the poor guy a new face!

I'm going to start watching Smallville again, because Michael Rosenbaum left and now that's he's gone, the show can stop sucking so much!  I want Clark/Lana all the way!  Lana is so perfect and pretty, I hope she gets everything that she obviously deserves.  Lex is an evil bald asshole who was secretly wanting to exploit Clark from the beginning.  Clark isn't a lying idiot at all!

I am going to re-read the seventh Harry Potter book because it ended perfectly.  Harry got with Ginny and we got to read all about it in the most amazingly written epilogue ever!  Why would anyone feel bad about how that ended?  The only way it could have been better would have been if Malfoy had died because he was an evil little shit who was a death eater and a coward.

* The “Things I’d Never Say” meme (This has been done before, but I never saw rules, so I made them up)

1. Make a post filled with things you would never say in your lj. 
2. Do not mention that it is a meme until the end of the post.

fandom, meme, wtf

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