the worth of a man...

Mar 22, 2005 08:37

How do you measure the worth of a man? There are only two ways i know of. The idealistic, eccocentric way. And the realistic, real world way. The idealistic way harkens back to the old saying, "You can tell the measure of a man by the company he keeps". If that were true, i would be the greatest man alive today. I truly do have some wonderful friends. I appreciate each and every one of you too, whether i show it enough or not. But we all know that isnt the way that really matters is it? The realistic way is what really matters. The way the real world measures worth. It all boils down to three things. Money, Power, and Respect. Anyone that denies this is only fooling themselves. As far as money goes, right now, and hell most of my life I havent had much of it. When i would get some extra I would always blow it on something stupid or selfish. So I get nothing there. Power.. if you mean physical strength then I can more than hold my own, but that is not it. It means the ability to control others, through their perception and acceptance of your superiority and/or authority. Well i dont consider myself superior to anyone, and I dont really have any authority. So i get nothing there either. Now we are left with respect. Now that I have. Most if not all of my friends respect me for one reason or another. My brothers have learned to respect me, and I have earned it from many for various reasons. But respect alone. What does that do me? Not a hell of a lot, let me tell you. You cant buy a meal with respect. You cant pay for your insurance with respect. You cant sway someones point of view with respect alone. Sure its nice to have, and i certainly spent my time earning it, but what REAL good is it doing me. None. Its not tangible, or edible, or insurable. So when you measure a mans worth you should get a real answer. When you measure my worth... what do you get?

Dont ask what got me on this train of thought. Its not for ANY reason that any of you may be thinking. Its just what i decided to write about.. that is all.. dont read anything more than that into it.
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