Mar 20, 2005 04:09
Well they were showing Boyz in the Hood on tv tonite. I dont know why but i decided to watch it. Now I have seen it before but its been a long time. Well it got me thinking, and as everyone knows, when i get to thinking i start writing. And at the end of that movie when Ricky gets shot, something about that really hit me. I guess I have just been overwhelmed with emotions lately, especially those of love and loss, so it hit me pretty hard. I have been sitting here thinking what it would be like to see a loved one die. Not in the way i have, slowly from disease and age. But like someone you love getting shot in front of you. No real time to come to terms with the inevitable, just a few precious seconds to tell them how you really feel, and that is only if you are lucky. So many of us get into petty fights about really stupid things in this world, and many people carry grudges from the fights for longer than they should. So next time you are arguing with someone you love, think about the last thing you said to them, being the last thing they think about before they die. Do you really want them to be thinking of you as the guy that called them an asshole and shoved them. Do you want their last memory on this earth to be of you slapping him and telling him to sleep on the couch ladies? They are called loved ones for a reason. Show it. I know we all fight and argue and complain, but always make sure they know you still love them in the end. Nothing could hurt worse then not only losing someone, but knowing they thought you didnt care in the end.
This also adds to another dilemma of mine. What do you do when you know the lengths you would go, and the extent of your feelings for someone. Yet you cant read them too well, and they wont come out and say it? I know there is no easy answer to this, and im not looking for one. Just some insight. I mean when someone as adept and natural at reading people as me has trouble, then either im too involved, or the other person doesnt know for sure themselves. i mean that is all i can think of anyways.