Money woes, dental, car

Nov 22, 2012 01:30

Earlier this week I expected I would be spending at least $300 this week, and it was distressing me. I guessed it would be $50 for student loan payment, $140 for filling some cavities, $50 for an inspection for my car, and $100 for a new battery.

I'm going to the local university dental school for my teeth. It already cost $90 a few weeks ago for an exam and cleaning. I thought it would be two fillings at $70 each, but I only needed one. It was under an existing filling and looked really deep on the x-ray. The student dentists said it was the deepest they had ever seen and it was very close to pulp. They were almost done, and the teacher told them to round off a sharp edge and fill it. They were doing that when they hit a little pulp. I felt nothing but feared the worst. They sealed it, and put in a filling that fell out. The second filling stayed in.

They say it will be fine but what if I get an infection and a root canal? Do I have to pay for it? Seriously?

I've had to jump my car several times and I figured it was my battery. I took it to a shop for a winter checkup for $50, and told them about it, and they said it might be the battery but a bad alternator might be killing the battery. So they'd check both.

Turns out the battery/alternator check was a separate thing and cost $60 more. And all to tell me what I figured by myself... that the alternator was fine and the battery was dead.

They wanted $150 for battery and install, but I had a warranty on it, and took it to the retail store where it was bought, and paid $50 for a new battery (instead of the usual $100 one costs for my car). I'm glad I got the warranty discount, at least.

I didn't have to spend as much on dental but did on my car. $70 on my filling, $120 on car (tax included), $50 on battery..... $240... less than I expected but I still hate my life. Oh yea and $50 for the student loan still, so $290... dammit. :/

car, dental, money, car problems, auto repair

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