Nov 22, 2012 17:43
I wrote a rather long and somewhat rambling letter to one side of my family stating I was going to start looking for a better job. The gist of the letter is basically that my job doesn't pay much, I make about $7-8000 a year, and that sometimes before a paycheck or when major things (like car repair) happen I have to put it on credit, or deduct from my slowly shrinking savings account (that only gets replenished from customer's tips, which I'm prudent enough to stick into savings rather than spend them). So I'm looking for a new job.
Looking for a new job... that's a prudent action, right? Your current job doesn't pay enough, you look for something better.
.... My aunt said I should be grateful I even have a job.
An aunt who's a head nurse at a hospital and makes a nice salary... maybe as much as $100k. Enough at least to own a pretty new Audi. And sip fine champagne.
And she went on about how I seemed to have a bad attitude while I worked, which I have no idea how she would be able to know if I did or not considering she never sees me at work (maybe it's because I called my managers 'chimps' at one point). And she said I had a pretty horrible sounding work ethic, and I complain and whine too much.
Yea, I get paid $7k a year and I'm complaining because I say I want to find a better job, and I get talked down to by someone who's upper middle class. Ho ho fucking ho.
So this Thanksgiving I'm thankful for having a job, even if I get paid minimum wage, working midnights, 7 days a week, 35 hours a week.
I'm also thankful for my fucking crazy ass family. Yay nutty family.
work sucks,
job search,