Clear eyes...

Jan 24, 2011 19:28

Watched 510 of Friday Night Lights last night and was in tears at the end. Oh, Coach. Oh, show. I will miss them all so much! Only three episodes left ( Read more... )

let me tell you how i really feel, fnl

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careyleah January 25 2011, 00:58:38 UTC
I'm darting in and out to avoid spoilers but GODDAMN is Matt Saracen's new show awful. I put myself through the horror of episode two and that was a poor life decision.


bigboobedcanuck January 25 2011, 01:09:48 UTC
LOLOL. Perhaps I should just spare myself. When even the awesomeness and pretty of Zach can't save a show, that is one steaming piece of shit.


careyleah January 25 2011, 01:15:19 UTC
I felt like Meredith Grey with all the "seriously?"-ing I was doing. ;)


bigboobedcanuck January 26 2011, 14:36:26 UTC
OMG I watched it last night (with heavy use of the FF) just to see how bad it was. Dude. Dude! I don't know about you, but my first port of call if an anaconda was squeezing someone to death would be a local with a machete! The doctors would be second on my list! When they showed up and everyone was all, Gee, how should we get the snake off, I was like, UM, KILL THE FUCKING THING?? Did I miss the memo that we just nicely try and sedate anacondas now? CUT OFF ITS HEAD, YOU IDIOTS. (Of course this was before the revelation about how it was holding his guts together, but whatever.)

And Zach having to play the epitome of an overbearing Ugly American is painful. It is so beneath him.


careyleah January 27 2011, 04:41:17 UTC
For real, it's not like he can't do subtle, we've seen it. So obviously the whole production has none.

<-------see icon.


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