This and that

Aug 24, 2010 15:09

1. It really goes without saying at this point, but the ATWT honchos can go die in a fire anytime now. Expecting the worst, since they certainly have a proven track record in delivering in that regard.

2. Watched first four seasons of Entourage. S1 was okay, S2 was better, and S3 was where it really hooked me. I root so hard for all the boys, even when they're being dumbasses. Adrian Grenier is very pretty and amazingly hirsute. And Jeremy Piven is a douche in real life by far too many accounts to disbelieve it, but he is pure genius on this show. Ari Gold is one of the most fun characters I've seen in a long time. (I realize I'm a tad behind the curve on this one.)

3. S5 of Supernatural was sadly underwhelming to me, but I finally watched the last three episodes. Very enjoyable, but it pains me that even though the de facto series finale has aired, the show goes on. That finale was really quite perfect, barring a few quibbles. Chief among them, STOP KILLING PEOPLE AND RESURRECTING THEM EASY PEASY. Did we learn nothing from the epic storytelling disaster that was the last three seasons of Heroes?

Having God just snap his fingers and bring back three (!) people is just too much. (Okay, I guess the jury's out on how Sam came back.) They have cried wolf on this far, far too many times. It just stops being effective in the slightest.

However, I did adore the VO and history of the Impala and the flashbacks to when Jared's head was a normal size were so beautifully done. I would have been a sobbing mess if this was really the end. Alas. Who knows, maybe they'll surprise me and S6 will be awesome. I hope so. I just hate it when shows linger past their natural expiration date.

4. Truly shocked that Yu-Na Kim and Brian Orser have parted ways. Sounds as if Yu-Na's mother and advisors are behind it. Nice way to repay the man who guided Yu-Na to Olympic gold. But I honestly doubt she'll keep competing, even though she says she's planning on Worlds. We'll see.

And in other skating news, take a look at a pairs team that is destined for the top if they live up to their potential. Footage is out of Maxim Trankov and Tatiana Volosozhar. You might recall from the Olympics that Maxim skated with Maria Mukhortova and Tatiana skated with the enormous Stanislav Morozov (representing the Ukraine). Stanislav knew he was holding Tatiana back and ended their partnership after Worlds. Maxim and Maria had serious interpersonal problems, and that fact that she's dating their coach created a two-against-one atmosphere of tension.

I was on Maxim's side, so I'm super excited about he and Tatiana pairing up! You can bet your ass Russia wants a pairs gold in Sochi very, VERY badly, and this could be the team to do it. They've only been together mere months, so big potential there.

supernatural, figure skating, team reid, olympics

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