Award season begins

Dec 15, 2009 10:14

How can Nine be nominated for a Golden Globe when it hasn't even been released yet? Obviously there are screeners, but it seems odd to me that movies that aren't being released for weeks already have nominations. Avatar isn't out yet, is it? And It's Complicated is December 25. Obviously it's allowed in the rules, but I just find it weird.

bliss_ and I saw Precious and A Single Man on the weekend. Both excellent films, and I'm very pleased with the nominations for them. As a side note, I always find it strange when people eat popcorn during serious movies. Maybe it's just me, but I have trouble chowing down while watching horrible scenes of abuse or watching someone grieve. For me, there are popcorn movies, and there are movies that are most decidedly Not Popcorn Movies.

It's obviously been said many times now, but wow, I never thought I'd see Mo'Nique in this kind of a role. She was just incredible. Oh, how I hated her! I could pity her too, but mostly I hated her. To just sit by and let your daughter be raped and then to blame her! Terrible, terrible woman. I was so glad Precious didn't let herself get pulled back into her mother's orbit at the end. Terrific performances all the way around, and I'm glad that the movie ends on a hopeful note. It wasn't as depressing as I thought it would be.

Also, I was really angry at the grandmother for not taking Precious away along with the baby. I know the mother was a terror, but how could Grandma just sit back and do nothing? I was also taken aback by the fact that no one Precious told about her father called the police. I guess that's just not how it goes in situations like this one.

A Single Man was one of my fave movies of the year. Colin Firth was incredible, and the set design, costumes, art direction and cinematography were simply stunning. The use of light and different colour palettes was gorgeous and effective, and Tom Ford certainly has an eye for male beauty! That man can also design a hell of a suit.

I wept off and on for almost the entire movie. But I highly recommend it!

You know, I really did get fooled into thinking it would be a happy ending after all. It's my own fault for forgetting the "gun" in act one that was revealed when Colin had that heart pain. And we all know that when you show a gun in act one, it goes off in act three. So even when the danger of the actual gun had passed, that heart attack was waiting in the wings.

I loved this movie so much, and I just wish I could delete the last minute and have him wake up on the floor and move on with his life with Nicholas Hoult. SIGH. But aside from that, I really did love it. At least he didn't kill himself and he found peace at the end.

The casting was wonderful and it seemed as if every single bit part was filled by someone I recognized! (For example: Little Dean Winchester behind the counter of the gun shop and Stacey from Everwood as the secretary.)

I really loved the voice cameo from Jon Hamm as the cousin of Matthew Goode who is kind enough to inform Colin of his partner's death. It breaks my heart to think of sharing a life with someone for 16 years and then be so shut out of his death. I know it happens, but I just hope it happens less often than it used to. Also, I wanted Colin to go to Colorado and get that other dog back, damn it.

Re: the other noms, I keep meaning to check out The Hurt Locker. Must see if it's on DVD yet. Thrilled for Dexter and Glee's nominations! Although Jennifer Carpenter's name should be up there.

dexter, glee, movies

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