Award season begins

Dec 15, 2009 10:14

How can Nine be nominated for a Golden Globe when it hasn't even been released yet? Obviously there are screeners, but it seems odd to me that movies that aren't being released for weeks already have nominations. Avatar isn't out yet, is it? And It's Complicated is December 25. Obviously it's allowed in the rules, but I just find it weird.

bliss_ and ( Read more... )

dexter, glee, movies

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Comments 6

laminy December 15 2009, 18:04:28 UTC
I don't know. I get what you're saying, about the movies not even being released, but I guess it fits in the rules somewhere. They'll be out by the time the show is on and I guess the Hollywood Foreign Press has already seen it, but it doesn't seem fair to the movies that are actually out.


bigboobedcanuck December 16 2009, 00:11:29 UTC
It just seems so odd to have all these major nods for movies the vast majority of the world hasn't seen yet! But I guess that's just part of the mystery of the Foreign Press Association. The GGs have always been odd.


(The comment has been removed)

bigboobedcanuck December 17 2009, 00:44:23 UTC
I was telling Bliss in the bathroom that it was Jon and a woman was like, OMG, THANK YOU! She knew the voice but couldn't place it. Hee.


ozchique December 16 2009, 14:51:49 UTC
I love this time of year when all the Oscar-worthy films come out. I want to see A Single Man very much. I will admit that Colin Firth is the main drawcard for me, but I'm glad you reviewed it positively.


bigboobedcanuck December 17 2009, 00:44:53 UTC
Colin was so excellent, and the filmmaking really is incredible. Just gorgeous!


mcfeste December 17 2009, 23:13:43 UTC
I am not reading your reviews because I haven't seen either film yet. Long gone seem to be the days when I had seen most of the nominated films during awards season. Admittedly, I don't go to the movies as often as I used to; but it doesn't help that most nominated movies in the past several years are either limited-release art house films, or movies that haven't come out yet. WTF.

But I must give a great big WORD to the notion that there are popcorn movies, and there are Not Popcorn Movies. I can get away with a soda or something during a Not Popcorn Movie, but that's it. It's too weird otherwise. :/


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