Thanks to one and all for the flurry of Christmas wishes! You've all made my day. Our first snowflakes are drifting down here in Toronto, so I'm full of festive cheer.
In other news, I watched the most recent episode of Friday Night Lights last night. Oh, my heart. Seriously, if this show doesn't get any Emmy love this season, I'll...well, I'll bitch about it on the internet. That'll show 'em!
So, I was basically weeping throughout. Zach Gilford was amazing. Amazing! God, he broke my heart. It was all so raw and realistic. I loved how the Taylors and his friends have rallied around him. It was so nice that Billy Riggins joined the boys for the beer drinking on the field and that Lyla came for the funeral, even though she and Matt haven't spoken on screen, heh. (I remember Zach and Minka doing an adorable bit on yoga class for and they were saying they really wanted their characters to interact. I have to see if I can find that vid, because it was so sweet. I think it was before S2, so maybe Lyla and Matt have interacted since then? I can't recall.)
God, all the stuff at the funeral home. I loved Tami there so much. So. Much. And poor Matt, insisting to look in the casket. Crap, I'm going to cry again just thinking about it. As much as I'll miss Matt on the show, I'm so glad he'll get out of Dillon and that Zach has gotten this incredible goodbye arc.
I'm less keen on the Riggins/beauty queen story. I can't even remember her name right now. I don't dislike her (except for when she called during the wake!!!), and I'm so glad Tim turned her down, but she's definitely the least interesting aspect of this season for me thus far. I'm hoping there won't be any romance with her and Tim and that it'll just be a really nice friendship. Which seems to be the way they're going. She and Luke were cute at the store, but again I'm not loving her yet.
Luke, on the other hand, I do totally love. Great casting there, as Matt Lauria won me over immediately.
I love that Matt closed in the door in the McCoys' faces. Ha! But still, I really, really want J.D. to be redeemed and for the show to dig deeper into his character. He was a good kid last season underneath it all and I don't want him to just be a one-note villain. That's his father's job.
Oh, and the fact that Coach was watching Smash on TV and that Smash is doing well on his college team was so wonderful and made me burst into tears for the 34893895893 time that episode. Loved him assuring Julie that he wasn't going anywhere, and that he knew what she was feeling without having to ask. Oh, Coach. Best dad ever!
How NBC is not rushing this incredible show onto its schedule as soon as the DirecTV run is over is beyond me. The ratings last year were better than what Jay Leno is bringing in. FNL would also give NBC back a shred of dignity. But clearly they're not interested in that.