I'm an Aunt....Again!!!

May 14, 2007 21:12

I am so excited! My nephew was born last night, well depending on where you live. It was a mother's day present for my mother but not for my sister. He was born at 12:28 am on May 14. He is 7 lbs. 11 oz. and 20 inches long. My sister only had to push twice and there he was! I am so excited that he is finally here. I have a picture of sorts of him but I don't know how to download it into this program so it will not be able to be viewed until I can figure it out.

In other news, nothing much to report. I am learning alot about my new job and there have been alot of exciting things that I have witnessed and been able to help with. I feel so fortunate that I am able to make a difference in this world, to help make it a better place for a few animals and a few of their humans as well.

I will tell more as I learn it, but for now, Good night!

Auntie Al
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