(no subject)

Sep 09, 2007 22:51

Well, here it is. The beginning of a season of being accused of being a person who can't make decisions, nay, a woman who can't possibly make a decision without the permission, better yet, the intelligence of her husband. Well, I am here to say that not only have I picked my teams EVERY year for the past who knows how many years, but I can somehow manage to keep track of all of the other teams picks. Hmmmm... Let's think here. Multitasking, and having a team in the top 3, 2 of the past 3 years. I can't make any promises this year about making to the Superbowl but again as long as a woman makes it into the finals I will be happy.

Now that I have come down from my soap box.... We got a puppy about 6 weeks ago and he just discovered his tail. Bruce tells me that he runs and runs and runs around in circles and makes himself so dizzy that he stumbles to the side. He is a very cute and very smart dog. I hope that I will be able to get some pictures of him on my site.

That is all for now. Women of Crosswalk Fantasy football league unite!!
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