Hello Strangers!

Feb 18, 2007 23:02

Well, I just got done catching up with my sister-in-laws pages and I too feel like it has been far too long since I have been here. So much has changed for Bruce and I in the past 6 months.
We both quit our jobs on the same day (not stressful or anything). My sister, her husband and my two adorable nieces came to visit for Christmas. I hadn't seen Jasmine since she was 2, and I had never met my other niece Jaden. We also found out that my sister is having a boy. I am so excited for her, I am so thankful that God has blessed her and Jonathan with a son.
Bruce is now doing a paper route and going to school, I am still learning how to sleep through him getting up in the middle of the night to go to work and returning to bed before I even get up to go to work.
I am now a receptionist at a Veterinary Clinic. I love my job. I love the people that I work with, and most of all I love being around animals all day. I have had some long days but they are all rewarding in the end.
This past week I got to hold an oxygen mask on a 2 month old kitten that had been flushed in the toilet, I also got to help restrain a very upset kitten for the Doctor. Those two experiences there overshadow my 11 years with Payless.
I went to a funeral this weekend for the son of a woman I used to work with at Payless. I saw my old District Manager, I didn't even say hi to him. We made eye contact and thats it. I told my friend that I rode with on the way home that I really didn't feel like faking nice to him.
On a whole we are doing good, the occasional lumps and bumps of life, but were going along no matter how bandaged up we are.
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