It's my party.....

Aug 04, 2006 22:31

Well, yesterday was my birthday and I must say that I plan myself one awesome party. My day started off with getting up to run some errands. I got my mom and we went to the vet to give them frozen dog poop!! Very exciting I must say!! Then we went to Avista Stadium to get our tickets for the Indians game, then it was off to Costco to look for Cheesecake, which we couldn't find the right flavor. We went to church to kill some time before I got my nails done, then we went back to my moms house and invited Amber, Logan and Duncan over to play in the pool. Then after a nice shower we went to the game and luckily the Indians won in the bottom of the 12th with a solo home run, 6 to 5. I had allot of fun with everyone, since my birthday fell on a Thursday we canceled Conversation Group so most of the people that normally come to church came. A few others came as well, there was Mike, Randa, Annie, Campbell, Mark, Michaela, Ava, Tomi, Adam, Mackenzie, Donna, Gilbert, Kurt, Josh, Amber, Bud, Logan, Duncan, Bruce, my mom and ME!! There were 2 things that happened at the game that was noteworthy. The first and not nearly as jaw dropping as the second is that normally at the games my dad would go and put my name in with the birthdays to be announced over the loud speakers, but unfortunately he wasn't there to do it. BUT, when Amber and I went out to look at the clothes and get frozen lemonade, Tomi talked to our section leader and after they announced the other birthdays were announced she came up and told our entire section to sing me Happy Birthday, it was quite embarrassing but it was very thoughtful and made me feel loved. Then after the game as everyone was leaving they kept wishing me a happy birthday. The second is the fact that we were on the first base line and far enough out that it was a perfect spot for foul balls. Well plenty came our direction and then one came right towards our group. Well, Kurt stood up to catch it and it hit his arm and bounced off and hit Gilbert in the chin and then bounced and hit Kurt again and then landed in Gilberts' ever present bag. Like 4 section leaders came running to make sure that Gilbert was okay! It was a little scary but everyone was okay. So on a whole my birthday was a success and I had allot of fun.

On a side note last Thursday Bailey got skunked and then this Thursday she came to the door with a spider trap attached to one side of her body!! It has not been a good week for poor, poor, Bailey. My mom is getting siding on her house, it looks awesome.
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