Okay....not a great episode, but it had a lot of pretty good moments within it.
(Like, hey, a past Oanh Ly episode, Catching Out.) And it set up a whole f*ckload of stuff for the future, as well.
But, really NOT the best episode to watch in tandem with the Lucky rerun on A&E. *shudder* Earl Wossname was really creepy. Taxidermy hits a lot of my buttons. Though that was a really sweet subplot with Coping As Best She Can Sister. Poor baby.
I do find Tamara and Derek kind of boring. Pretty, but boring.I found myself waiting the whole scene for "hey, when do we get case or teamy stuff?"
LOVE GARCIA. And JJ. And JJ/Garcia working in devious tandem is love. It was a really good JJ episode, I thought. I found myself adoring the bit where Hotch and JJ worked together to help out Morgan. (against his will.)
Devious Uncle Dave. Uncle Dave really likes to start shit, doesn't he? Sometimes he just likes to profile to see where it leads.
Aaaand...though Morgan was not perfect, I found myself intrigued by the flashes he showed of genuine leadership. Telling off Strauss *and* Hotch at the same time about the office. Making the tough decisions. But I will point out that while we all assume Hotch has slept in his office at some time in the past...he's never been caught at it. Ha.
Not that my boy is doing terribly well. I thought he was coping, giving Morgan advice, keeping calm. But :
a) he smiled. He went in to take down the Unsub WITHOUT BACKUP, and he smiled. I think that may have been my favorite Hotch/Prentiss moment ever after Morgan left:
*Prentiss inimitably rolls her eyes*
b) he has no more excuses, and is still living in his office. And *Garcia* noticed it. And FOYET PHOTOS. Oh Hotch.