Random test.

Apr 20, 2010 18:38

I was randomly reading over my old LJ from 2001, and found this ancient meme on it. I took it again, just out of interest as to how things have changed, and got the following results:

DisorderRatingParanoid Disorder:LowSchizoid Disorder:LowSchizotypal Disorder:ModerateAntisocial Disorder:LowBorderline Disorder:LowHistrionic Disorder:HighNarcissistic Disorder:HighAvoidant Disorder:HighDependent Disorder:LowObsessive-Compulsive Disorder:Low
-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --
-- Personality Disorders --

Nine years ago I got this.

DisorderRatingParanoid:Very HighSchizoid:LowSchizotypal:HighAntisocial:ModerateBorderline:Very HighHistrionic:HighNarcissistic:ModerateAvoidant:Very HighDependent:Very HighObsessive-Compulsive:Low
-- Click Here To Take The Test --

Interseting how times change.
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