Career go 'whoosh'.

Mar 31, 2010 21:52

Well, had some interesting shit go down on the job-related front this week.

First of all, I'm back in my management support role again which is doing wonders for my self-esteem and productivity. But that's not the half of it.

On monday I was asked by Simon (my manager) to write up an article for our company magazine (circulation, c. 75,000) on what running things at Coutts is like. With a deadline of two hours from the time I took the call. I rushed to Bishopsgate and blazed out 1140 words in about 90 or so, sent it over to Annette (the area manager- Simon's boss) and Simon. Who began reading and then both started cracking up. This was kicked up the chain of command that evening. Went to Annette's boss, and then up several more levels to Alan Thresher, the account director- basically the closest thing to God for us.

Who loved it. Annette got emailled at 23:30 telling her how it was 'exactly what he was looking for' and various other complimentary things- it's also been bounced around laterally. In short, for some fucked up reason my entire chain of command up to the very top have decided I'm some sort of literary genius. Thanks mostly to a lame joke about koi carp and another about psychic vampires. ;p Apparently the article was too long for its original purpose, so they want me to do a special feature/supplement, perhaps write some more stuff. And hey, it's got my name known and on everyone's radar in a positive sense.

So yeah. That was tuesday. Today there were further developements. Back in December my name was put forwards as a candidate for a 'case study' to use in company recruitment literature. I did an interview, had a couple of cruddy photos taken and so on. To be honest I didn't think much more of it- I thought it was just for the London RBS contract. Very much small beer. I was wrong. There are 585,000 employees of G4S worldwide; of those, nine of them (Three strategic managers, three middle managers and three operational employees) were selected- And hey, guess who happened to be one of them.

I still hadn't clocked why this was such a big thing when I got an email from Annette this morning bearing congratulations and multiple exclamation marks. Nor when she kept going on about how amazing it was and how proud she was of me, and how incredibly stoked Alan Thresher was that one of HIS people had got selected and so on. Seriously, I've never seen the woman (who is basically a terrifying scottish clone of my mother, in both looks and attitude) look so cheerful and hyper. She practically /hugged/ me. She also insisted on reading out the article to the others in the room- which I found pretty mortifying, to be honest. But yeah. Then I got home and could actually check out the website for myself. And. well. Holyshit.

Not only am I written up on the website ( -click on 'meet our people'), but I've also got a larger two-page article that's being printed in leaflet form for recruitment events. Worldwide.

Well, holycrap.

For now, I'm flying again after a massive slump at the start of the year. Tomorrow I'm running the operation at one of the Bishopsgate Campus buildings (the executive HQ actually) during an expected protest, so we'll see how long this lasts. But. Yayness!

And pray that you don't end up seeing me or my men on the news tomorrow... ;p
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