Before starting probably the most stressful holidays in my lifetime...

Dec 20, 2012 21:29

I've got my computer back. Turns out only the keyboard was damaged. I'm relieved by this.
On the other hand, there's a list of things I have to do during my two-weeks winter holidays:
1. Learn 100 new kanjis with at least a few phrases for each (done).
2. Learn japanese words for conversation lesson, as the teacher pointed out gaps in my vocabulary. (halfway done)
3. Learn chinese words from last ten lessons (circa 300 phrases).
4. Make an oral presentation for english literature class (I'm still not sure if the teacher will accept fan labour as topic).
5. Transcribe twenty short texts and learn those transcribtion by heart on another english subject unless I want to fail it.
6. Memorize a dialogue in japanese I wrote earlier and practice it with my classmate.
7. Make a project of an elaborate web page for completion of computer science class.
8. Make a homework on chinese grammar.
9. Learn some phrasal verbs for english grammar.
10. If there's time, recall chinese, japanese and english grammar.
11. If there's more time, recall the rules of writing e-mails in chinese.
12. Not to die from overworking.
Seriously, the time I need to spend of studing is getting to dangerous levels. Yesterday, I woke up at six a.m. and was learning kanjis for two hours before going to school and after return finally finishing them at eight p.m. What's more, I had to finish my previous computer science project on last lesson and couldn't listen to the teacher explaining our next task. Also, I'm totally failling phonetics. Seven tests, seven fails. Which is stupid, since the subject is considered easy and is practically useless, as it's premise is to teach the student the proper pronouncation of english while such a thing does not exist. What's even worse, I have to retake old church slavonic next semster. And our cultural studies' teacher is a jazz fanatic who focuses his lectures alsmost exclusively on jazz history, which will also be the main topic of our final exam. Also, our literature classes will be reduced only to two a week starting next semester. What kind of english literature major is this? Terrible.

school life

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