A series of happy events interspersed by little catastrophies

Dec 07, 2012 15:50

A lot of things happened yesterday.
1. There was a slavic day at the university. I managed to eat a lot of delicious food, including free pancakes.
2. When queuing for the pancakes, I lost my favourite badge.
3. I girl I have classes with found it and knowing who was the owner returned it to me later that day.
4. Dad bought me a MLP doll for Saint Nicholas' day. Still not sure which one it is, but I was overjoyed with it.
5. I spilled tea on my laptop. It's likely beyond repair.
6. I was so tired that it didn't manage to learn anything today.
7. The stories I had to read for literature class turned out to be the most boring ones I have ever encountered.
8. At least I was able to use the internet in the library.
... 9. It seems that I have broken the computer I was using in the library. Gotta go.
I just wish to return home and have peace.

a series of unfortunate events

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