Surprisingly, I got out alive

Jan 26, 2013 15:27

I actually somehow managed to learn everything I had to and pass the most difficult exams I had. I still have an essay to write and three exams about history and literature, but I'm happy the ones in japanese and chinese are over. I am very disappointed in my performance during oral examinations, as the fact that I passed was only due to the teacher's good will. I'm thinking about about visiting a chinese center in a city not far away - maybe I'll be able to take additional speaking lessons.
Also, over a month ago my mother had an accident resulting in a spinal cord injury and problems with walking. She will have a surgery next week. It is an unusual injury and the surgeon is not sure if it will cure her disability. I'm worring about it.
When visiting a caffe, I met two very interesting old ladies, one of whom is a traveller who visited many countries in the world. I got her phone number and wish to meet with her to talk about her visit to China.
On other news: a law regarding partnership unions for both heterosexual and homosexual couples was killed during it's first reading in the polish parliament. A recent public opinion survey showed that young people are visibly drifting into the area of very conservative values. Popularity of extreme right wing ideology skyrocketed. When I wanted to visit my high school after exams, it turned out it was closed the previous semester. There's a famous case of a sixteen-year-old "good boy" who hanged himself during Christmas Eve, after which it was revealed he was a long time drug addict. A new law was introduced, giving the schools and police the rights to test blood and urine of students who are thought to be on drugs. Not sure if it's an improvement or not. Still dislike my country. My cat is very weak. She can not jump any more. I'm worring about her too.

school life, everyday life, when did i create so many tags, being a student, rant, daily live

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