(no subject)

Feb 01, 2006 22:41

where oh where has the time gone?

seeing my parents last week was nice. they kind of drove me crazy, but I'd missed seeing them, and they bought me a lot of food. :)

Katelyn and I got the room we wanted!!! :-D I'm very happy about that. back in our old building, 3rd floor, nice and big. can't move in until Sunday cuz one of the guys still lives there, which is kind of a pain, but hey. it's all good.

added a science to my schedule, get it over with...physical science. the easiest science you can take on campus. honestly, it was the only one that would fit in my schedule. seriously. but yeah, leaves some open space for next year's schedule, which is already pretty packed. so the final schedule:

Brit Lit I
The Bible as Lit
Film Studies: Horror (one of my books is called Men, Women, and Chainsaws)
Medieval Europe
Physical science

hooray! :)

went to Atlantic City on sunday with Jon and his family. it was fun, being in the casinos even though I couldn't gamble. and it was cold and rainy and nasty.....but a very enjoyable day.

otherwise....I just bought some textbooks online for the first time. Half.com....think I saved between $80-$100 for 5 of my books. couldn't find anything cheaper for the rest of them, so it's just easier to go buy them, examine them in person. the best deal was on my 2 Norton Anthologies....used, they're about $25. on this site, they were like $3 plus $3 shipping. good deal, right?

got hit with some grad school reality. I think I'm definitely going to go for the Masters of Library Science....I want to go to Maryland and to the dual Masters with History, and have a program that is specifically for people who want to work with archives/manuscripts/rare books, but at current rates the 2 yr program would could almost $45,000. CUNY Queens College, on the other hand, for just the MLS alone would be a little over $8,000. with a history degree too, $15,000. yeeeeeah. and for the first time in my life.....I prefer Baltimore to NYC. for some reason, looking up apartments in Flushing was just scary and unnatural. ooooooh the DILEMA!

things are good otherwise....went to California Torilla with Colleen last Tues and yesterday, had a fun Mexican food adventure. this place is awesome, honestly. they had 75 different kinds of hot sauce, including "Colon Cleanser" and "Ass in Tub." really, really fun place. made for an even better night by watching Gilmore Girls and drawing on each other's hands, lol.

classes start on tuesday! I can't wait!!! :-D

god, I'm a nerd.
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