As soon as you're born they make you feel small.

Aug 30, 2009 14:34

It's a lazy Sunday afternoon. Clearly, the thing to do today is sprawl out with a book somewhere comfortable. That's what Harvey Dent's doing -- he's in the common room of the Conrad, stretched out on a couch. He's got a bit of a pile of books beside him. Some are law books that he unearthed somewhere, some are fiction, and some are comics -- those, he probably unearthed from the same place as the law books.

He's resigned to the fact that he is, in fact, a fictional character in this different universe. So he may as well see what he got up to in those books, right? Distractions are welcome, of course. He's in a relatively good mood.

harvey dent, rachel conway, jonathan crane, rachel dawes

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