Aug 21, 2009 21:16
Ahh, the Luna. Not a bar that Aniki's frequented, exactly, but she's come enough to have some favorites on the menu. At this point, however, she's drinking the cheapest beer they have, matching Arlin's consumption in a brave, if futile, attempt to get the man drunk. She slurps the foam off the top of her glass and starts giggling as the crown almost goes up her nose. And then she keeps giggling, just because she's drunk--far drunker than she's been in a long time. The last time she consumed this much alcohol in this short a span was at the party celebrating the end of Beka's time as a Puppy.
Currently, she's belting out a ballad called The Fair Maid of Islington in slightly off-key alto.
"If you would lie with me one night
You must give me five pound
A match a match, the Vintner said
And so let this go round.
When he had lain with her all night
Her money she did crave
'O no, O no,' the Vintner said
'The devil a penny you'll have.'"
arlin keysa,
aniki forfrysning