it's time I was on my way.

May 28, 2009 13:16

[[Replies here might be kind of scattered, since I just moved & internet access is a bit scarce.]]

For as much as Dean loves his car, and for as grateful as he is that she managed to make it through the Rift with him, she doesn't make for the best sleeping arrangements. The backseat is cozy enough for other things, sure, but Dean's not exactly ( Read more... )

sam winchester, john dorian (j.d.), dean winchester, gabe seagram

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Comments 69

wegotwork May 29 2009, 02:49:22 UTC
After his run-in with Faith at the diner, Sam's heading back to the hotel when he spots the Impala. It's not like it's difficult to miss - the front half of the thing is sticking out around a building, and where the Impala is, Dean's probably somewhere nearby.

And, well, he doesn't really want to talk to him, but Faith's mentioning something about a demon means he sort of has to get past whatever happened the other night and mention it.

Maybe killing something will help them take their minds off - well, everything.


thehandsomeone May 29 2009, 02:58:53 UTC
Dean's just getting back from the shop around the corner, tucking the usual weeks supply of junk food into his coat pockets, when he sees Sam. It shouldn't surprise him, since he didn't go that far, but it's a little unnerving, seeing Sam.

He hates that.

He slows his pace a little, bites his lip. "Hey," he grunts, not really looking at Sam.


wegotwork May 29 2009, 02:59:59 UTC
Sam's hands go into his pockets, too, if only for the reason that he doesn't have anything else to do with them.

"Hey," he says, hunching his shoulders forward.

There's a brief pause, and then:

"Word on the street is we've got ourselves a demon."


thehandsomeone May 29 2009, 03:05:13 UTC
Dean can't help it. He grins a little; it's the best fucking news he's heard in weeks. Which probably doesn't say good things about him, but damn if he hasn't been itchin' for a hunt.

"Yeah?" he asks, almost meeting Sam's eyes. "Where'd you hear that?"


teenaged_twin May 29 2009, 02:51:25 UTC
Maybe while he's wandering, he might spot some of the latest CLF fliers.

Maybe he'll see that a few of them have gained some extra text. 'Lying Bastards' and 'CLF = Terrorists' being the least offensive of the comments.

And maybe he'll spot the kid in the oversized pea coat who's in the middle of writing a violent retort on an otherwise unmarked poster.


thehandsomeone May 29 2009, 03:07:42 UTC
Dean hasn't been here long enough to learn what CLF even stands for - and anyway, acronyms aren't his specialty - but he recognizes vandalism when he sees it, and he grins. "You got a grudge, kid, or are you just handy with a Sharpie?"


teenaged_twin May 29 2009, 03:25:39 UTC
Great. He's going to have to look directly at this guy now, and he might not even be planning anything. In for a penny, though...

"The fuckers are causing more damage than the people they're blaming it on and got my brother killed. What do you think?" Turning on the last words, tensed and ready to defend himself.


thehandsomeone May 29 2009, 03:32:20 UTC
Damn. Dean can't even imagine how hard it would be to lose his brother. What he'd do.

"If that's the case, kid, then I think you should give 'em hell." When the kid turns, he runs his eyes over him, sizing him up out of habit. But Dean's not looking for a fight, and anyway, it sounds like the guy's on a worthy enough mission. "What happened to your brother?"

Maybe Dean can help.


sensi_doctor May 29 2009, 03:36:07 UTC
JD wanders around the city a lot now that he's convinced himself that this city is perfectly safe. There is nothing like having a powerful imagination and all the illusions in the world to satisfy the need for safety.

He smiles brightly when he sees Dean, because Dean looks exactly like JD's crush friend! Good friend! Of a year now!

"Nate!" JD waves like the dork that he is. "Hey, man, what're you doing out of the tower?"


thehandsomeone May 29 2009, 03:38:38 UTC
Dean raises an eyebrow at the guy waving at him: skinny, dopey looking, probably harmless.

"Tower?" Dean asks, raising an eyebrow. "Sorry, buddy. Think you've got the wrong guy." Even if they had met before, Dean would never use an alias as boring as Nate.


sensi_doctor May 29 2009, 03:55:13 UTC

No, this is not disappointment in his voice. Not at all. No one could sound so disappointed over missing a friend. JD tilts his head in confusion, and then walks closer. Maybe JD's in need of glasses, but they look exactly alike even from at less of a distance. There was the whole business with Jack and Des, though... having the same face.

Oh, that's so not fair.

"Sorry. It's just you look- I mean, you're-" He makes flailing hand motions. "It's... weird. You should meet some time, cause it'd be like looking in a mirror. You could probably freak people out with it if you ever wanted to play a massive practical joke with... fake mirrors or something fun..." He tilts his head to the side, but stops himself from daydreaming before a full fledged fantasy starts. "Hi, by the way, I'm JD! Sorry to disturb your... walking."


thehandsomeone May 29 2009, 04:08:55 UTC
"Always wondered if I had an evil twin somewhere," Dean jokes. He remembers Sam telling him about someone who looks like him, and figures this Nate must be the guy.

At all the flailing, Dean grins, holding back a laugh. The guy reminds him a bit of Sam, just about any time Sam has to string together sentences for girls. The old Sam, anyway.

"Dean Winchester," Dean says, sticking out his hand. "And it's not a problem at all." He shrugs a bit sheepishly. "Lookin' for a job, actually."


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