it's time I was on my way.

May 28, 2009 13:16

[[Replies here might be kind of scattered, since I just moved & internet access is a bit scarce.]]

For as much as Dean loves his car, and for as grateful as he is that she managed to make it through the Rift with him, she doesn't make for the best sleeping arrangements. The backseat is cozy enough for other things, sure, but Dean's not exactly ( Read more... )

sam winchester, john dorian (j.d.), dean winchester, gabe seagram

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teenaged_twin May 29 2009, 02:51:25 UTC
Maybe while he's wandering, he might spot some of the latest CLF fliers.

Maybe he'll see that a few of them have gained some extra text. 'Lying Bastards' and 'CLF = Terrorists' being the least offensive of the comments.

And maybe he'll spot the kid in the oversized pea coat who's in the middle of writing a violent retort on an otherwise unmarked poster.


thehandsomeone May 29 2009, 03:07:42 UTC
Dean hasn't been here long enough to learn what CLF even stands for - and anyway, acronyms aren't his specialty - but he recognizes vandalism when he sees it, and he grins. "You got a grudge, kid, or are you just handy with a Sharpie?"


teenaged_twin May 29 2009, 03:25:39 UTC
Great. He's going to have to look directly at this guy now, and he might not even be planning anything. In for a penny, though...

"The fuckers are causing more damage than the people they're blaming it on and got my brother killed. What do you think?" Turning on the last words, tensed and ready to defend himself.


thehandsomeone May 29 2009, 03:32:20 UTC
Damn. Dean can't even imagine how hard it would be to lose his brother. What he'd do.

"If that's the case, kid, then I think you should give 'em hell." When the kid turns, he runs his eyes over him, sizing him up out of habit. But Dean's not looking for a fight, and anyway, it sounds like the guy's on a worthy enough mission. "What happened to your brother?"

Maybe Dean can help.


teenaged_twin May 29 2009, 03:59:46 UTC
He relaxes a bit - no killing urge (thank God), and the guy hasn't tried anything. Yet.

"Short version? The 'Chicago Liberation Front'-" Uttered in the same tone of voice as one would use for Al-Qaeda or the Nazis. "-showed up, Jake started spouting off their bullshit, wound up comatose on a bridge, and was gunned down in his hospital bed."


thehandsomeone May 29 2009, 04:13:08 UTC
"Jesus," Dean says. "That's terrible." And he thought he had problems. He pauses, not wanting to offend the guy, but he asks, "You - planning on doing anything beyond writin' on posters? I mean, this thing sounds like it needs a kick in the ass, at least."


teenaged_twin May 29 2009, 04:59:56 UTC
He nods. "Just trying to remind people there's more to this than what the Fuckwits are telling them."

Not that it's been working.

"Only problem with delivering a kick in the ass is finding 'em in the first place. Worse than roaches."


thehandsomeone May 29 2009, 05:13:05 UTC
"Even roaches get stomped on eventually," Dean offers. "I've met my share of evil sons of bitches, and they usually get theirs. So," he says, since he's assessed that this kid might be a bit fucked up, but hardly dangerous to him. "You got a name, man?"


teenaged_twin May 29 2009, 05:40:19 UTC
"Gabe. You?"


thehandsomeone May 29 2009, 06:04:35 UTC
"Dean." He figures a skittish guy like this isn't in for handshaking.


teenaged_twin May 30 2009, 23:22:53 UTC
He'd be right. (More because of the temperature differences, but still right.)

"Guessin' you haven't been in town that long." He'd know about the CLF otherwise. Never mind he feels... different. Like Four, or the guy from the coffee shop.

The one he didn't kill, anyway.


thehandsomeone May 31 2009, 20:37:34 UTC
Dean nods. "Few months." Which is longer than Dean's ever stayed anywhere else, but he still can't say he's used to the place. "What about you? Seems like you know this place pretty well."

Dean can tell something's not one hundred percent with the kid, but you'll have to excuse him if his usual instincts don't pick up the demon vibe. Things here are different, and he doesn't even know the half of it.


teenaged_twin June 5 2009, 01:02:04 UTC
[Sorry about the delay - offline's been kicking me inna teeth. *rueful grin*]

Never mind the fact that Gabe pretty much fails at being a demon - three months, and his only kill so far was (mostly) self-defense.

"Born and raised, though I'm better acquainted with the north side of town. Trying to change that." He shrugs. "Find some interesting places, write 'em in my journal. Stuff like that."


thehandsomeone June 5 2009, 01:12:49 UTC
(No worries; the extent of my internet access is my cell phone right now, so. I feel you.)

"Oh yeah?" Dean asks. "What've you found so far?"

So far the extent of Dean's time in Chicago has been limited mostly to a few block's distance from the Conrad. Which in itself is pretty interesting, but he wouldn't mind exploring further one of these days.


teenaged_twin June 5 2009, 01:59:07 UTC
"Not a whole lot." He lists a few of the ordinary places before shifting over to the less normal. "...Navy Pier's still rebuilding the bit that got wrecked by - whatever that thing was, and there's a coffee shop that's not too bad. Except for its tendency to be destroyed on an almost regular basis."


thehandsomeone June 5 2009, 02:05:27 UTC
Dean listens with interest; he's starting to get that even without the Rift, this place is way weirder than back - well, not home, but. Back in his world.

"Really?" He asks, raising an eyebrow at the mention of the coffee shop. "What's that about?"


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