May 22, 2009 20:40
[[Final daytime post -- there's going to be a Midnight Show post later, so if you want a black ticket, now would be the time... or if you'd like a ticket handed over in a previous post, that can also be arranged.]]
The Carnival's time in Chicago's coming to a close, and things are ramping up for a grand finale, indeed. The shows are getting more violent, more disturbing, and the general air of the Carnival has taken a turn towards the overtly sinister.
A lovely redhead dances through the crowd, flames twirling in her hands, throwing winks at anyone who passes by, and Lola the snake charmer is allowing her 'pets' to slither under clothing in ways that are, perhaps, a bit more suggestive than the supposedly family-friendly show ought to allow.
And in the thick of everything is Max and his "lovely assistant and beautiful bride", Sabrina. He's throwing innuendo with the best of them, flipping a black ticket in his hands and watching the crowd with some speculation.
It's almost time for the Grand Finale, and that never disappoints.
julian sark,
nagi naoe,
robin rice,
maka albarn,
sam winchester,
luke roberts,
magdalena broz,
soul eater evans,
plot: carnival,
maximilian j. maxwell