And Rebecca is...

Jun 28, 2005 17:50


6 long weeks of examinations are over. How happy am I?! Chemistry today again went okay- I mean, it was a chemistry exam so we expect it to be nearing impossible, but this was ok! Ironically, chemistry's the only sbject I have come out of every exam feeling reasonably positive about, and it was my most difficult subject. We'll just have to wait and see I guess.

I've spent this afternoon doing not much, trying on all my stuff for the leaver's ball so I know what to lok for tomorrow in the way of shoes, and packing for D of E, for the kit check on thursday.

And this is it; over. It's quite sad really, now all of the friendhips I've been forced to maintain for the past 2 years won't look after themselves anymore. I'll have to make an effort to keep them up, even when I really don't want to, which has happened numerous times over the past year and I've had no choice but to hold it together, now I have to make a decision. And it's hard because I've only known a lot of my closest friends really since september, or even after then! And I'm all too emotional and react too strongly to things without telling anyone. I need to get over that.

Hehe, pretty deep for such a jubilant day!
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