what am i even doing with myself

May 26, 2010 15:24

sooooooo i guess i'm co-modding reel_startrek now. 8D HAHAHAHA LIFE WHAT LIFE I DON'T NEED NO STINKIN' LIFE.


reel_startrek reel_startrek reel_startrek

very simple, and very awesome. take a movie, cast star trek characters in the roles, and remix it. check the masterlist of fic and art from round one for ideas (including my own incredibly silly remix of 'the faculty'). so yeah, anyone who missed out on the awesome last year, get ready for this year cus it's gonna be AWESOMER. really glad i didn't volunteer to help mod where_no_woman now cus omg overwhelmed much?

also checking out the comm led me to reread downjune's amazing Open Up My Eager Eyes, a remix of the christian slater / samantha mathis movie 'pump up the volume'. that fic fucking owns, my friends, if you've never read it you should. especially if you were a disaffected teenager in high school. seriously it's probably good i never watched that movie until after i read the fic, because god, i can't imagine how much more of a little shit i would've been in high school if i'd had an example like happy harry hard-on to point to. XD

going to rewatch glee before i post. chiropractor (huzzah) and a walk with mom first, though.

fannish: reel_startrek, life: in the tubes, omgwtfbbq, fannish: recs, keysmashing capslock and flailing oh my!

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