....but i'm using it anyway. ;D i'm going to make a post about glee later, probably, separate to keep it away from those as haven't seen it yet. but for now, blather!
so the first thing i did when i got my netbook back was upload all my writing-in-progress to gdocs, which has made me start looking at that kirk/uhura thing i've been slowly poking at since, uh, last august. >.>;;; i want to get it done, i just have to work on the last two sections a bit. but it's nice to load something i haven't looked at in months and discover i'm still interested in finishing it.
also, i'm trying to plot out my big bang and i'm kind of having a parting of the ways moment with myself. it's one of those things where i can't decide if i want to take the easier route which would involve a partial reboot of a TOS episode, or try and plot out something totally different. it's hard b/c the TOS ep will tie in very well to the stuff i already have plotted out, but i'm not sure if that's what i want to do yet. i suppose i could start writing the stuff i have plotted and go from there. i just like to have things as outlined as i can, so i know where i'm going if at all possible. mrr. it's just funny to remember the angsting i did last year over what the hell i was writing, starting out not really knowing at all what i was doing, and look how that came together. :)
and now, stolen from
medie, a drabble meme. i have a non-travel weekend ahead of me (gasp!) and want to get some writing done, and i love prompts. so pick a letter (one that hasn't already been picked) and prompt me a word starting with that letter, a fandom and/or pairing, and i'll get writing. :D
my fandoms are
here, for reference.
A -
B is for Brother; Lost, Charlie, Desmond;
usually9_15C -
D is for Deviation; Tabula Rasa, Pam/Jon;
presentlyE is for Exploration; Coraline/Harry Potter;
butterflysteveF is for Frakking; dealer's choice;
pseudicideG is for Glee; Star Trek, any;
jazzy_peachesH is for Heat wave; Sherlock Holmes, any;
speccygeekgrrlI is for If; White Collar or Supernatural, any;
J -
K -
L -
M is for Mistakes; Lost, any;
halfdreamsN -
O -
P is for Pranks; Gentlemen Bastards, any;
sekalaQ -
R is for Revolver; Star Trek, Gaila;
ninety6tearsS -
T -
U is for Usurp; Star Trek, Kirk;
igrockspockV -
W -
X -
Y -
Z is for Zeitgeist; Glee, Supernatural;
pseudicide and that's your lot.