~ As expected, Saturday's flag football tournament was followed by days of pain and soreness. Walking hurt. Laughing hurt. Going down the stairs was positively painful. Heck, I could barely lift my legs! Strangely enough, I followed some friendly advice and went for a light job on Sunday...and guess what, it actually helped with the pain! (Yes, clearly nonathletic person here discovering how physical exercise works...)
~ The
montreal_fandom meet-up on Sunday was funfunfun! Lots of food (hmmm, waffles), lots of squeeing and of course, lots of loud inappropriate comments. It was great to see everyone and I hope to meet up again sometime soon! (Hint hint, post-Halloween party @
yue_ix's!) Oh, and welcome to my journal,
subaruke and
~ I have never realized how cold it gets in Montreal until I came back from China this summer...I get that it's fall and all, but near-freezing temperatures and winter coats in October? Ugh, do no want!
THIS MAKES ME SO MAD!!!!! One of the things I love about Quebec is its affordable education costs, because seriously, HOW DOES HAVING UNIVERSITY FEES THAT THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE CANNOT AFFORD BENEFIT SOCIETY?!?!? *fumes some more*
Hope you're all doing well.
ETA: Where the hell have my comment notifications gone, LJ?!?