Most rushed conclusion ever though (I ran out of time AND space, stupid page-limit). And yeah, it was huuuuuugeellyyyy late, so a 20% late penalty AT THE VERY LEAST. *sigh* The saddest part is that I actually kind of like this class, footnotes-craziness and all. Plus the teacher is very nice (and very young) and...I don't think that I'll be able to look at her in the eye for a while. :/
And now, my boring huge-ass to-do-or-die!!! list:
- Catch up three(!) classes of succession law. Do readings and attempt to understand something. Verify all articles in the CCQ because teacher warbles through the numbers. Photocopy last year's exam questions and quietly freak out in the library corner.
- Catch up with two classes of IP. Listen to a lecture and try not to fall asleep through the 628th jurisprudence about trademark litigation. Start outlining and writing the take-home midterm because no oh no we do NOT want another repeat of the research paper!
- Catch up with two classes of business law. Skim through readings, do practical exercises. STUDY FOR THE MIDTERM THAT IS THIS THURSDAY AT 8:30AM.
- Catch up with one class of international public law. Skim through friend's notes, learn everything from the book.
- Renew Opus card/commuting ID, finish futile application for government loans&bursaries, schedule consultation for wisdom teeth extraction (funny how I keep forgetting to call for that), introduce new volunteers to the organization I'm responsible for and call this lady to tell her that no, I no longer do private tutoring and most of all, I DON'T HAVE TIME.
- On a better note: get massage, get facial, wash my hair, go buy makeup wipes and shoe pads and something else I can't remember right now at the pharmacy and find myself some decent fall boots.
- WATCH MERLIN EPISODE 2.03! *grins*
- Stop reading so much Merlin fanfic. :/ (Note to self: you are useless after reading
srin's Timing Verse or something from
aeroport_art's rec list, so for crissakes, STAY AWAY!)
...oh yeah, sleep and eat and shower too. It's crazy how easily one forgets to do that when one spends their day typing away on the computer!