On Pregnancy

May 04, 2011 22:41

The whole experience of the last week has made me realize something important: I can never be pregnant. In order to be have a healthy baby, I'd have to be off meds. All evidence of the last week in mind, I cannot be off meds. It's funny. I don't really want to be pregnant, ever, I don't think. The whole "object the size of a watermelon" pushing its way out of inconvenient places sounds decidedly unpleasant; and significantly less glamorous than our culture would have you believe. And yet, for some strange reason, I feel a loss. Besides, I do want kids.

Ideally, I'd adopt. Given my sexuality and mental health status, I'm not really sure how realistic that is. I had always told myself, worst case scenario, that I could just pop out a goober when the time comes. So, I guess I'm going to have to hope that whoever I'm with will be want to be pregnant. I don't know. These are just my feelings tonight.

For those wondering, I have my meds now. They've kicked in and I'm on my way back to being the cool person I was before all this crap went down.
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