For Pete's Sake! WTF, Edinboro?!

Apr 06, 2011 23:35

Edinboro University is, once again, full of fail. Thanks to the internship fiasco, the only class I'm eligible to take next year IS the internship. Everything else has said internship as the prerequisite. Biggest waste of time evar. THEN, I went to register for the stupid statistics class* I have to take as part of my admission to the program, and, wait for it, I CAN'T BECAUSE IT HAS A PREREQUISITE!!!!! What on earth could be more basic at the undergraduate level than a statistics class?! Seriously. I'm not paying good, hard earned money for some stupid remedial math class that I don't need. Period. I've taught math, for Christsakes. I have an email in to my adviser. Hopefully, we can fix some of this. If not, after all they put me through, they can kiss my keister. I will take my money and transfer to Pitt or the U of M.

*I haven't taken it yet because it's never been at a time I could take it. Finally, it was open, five seats left. Bastards...
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