It seems to me that one of my aunts used to call me "Bethany-Bob" when I was younger. I started using it (sans dash) as my screen name on Twitter. I've never liked my name, but this isn't so bad.
During and shortly after my pregnancy, I had another blog --
"My Field of Paper Flowers". In fact, my last post is from when Asher turned five months old. It got to be too serious and I lost interest in it. I like WordPress, but it hasn't stuck with me. I've been using LJ since 2001/2002.
I have another alias that I used on that blog and continue to use elsewhere. I tried to keep it separate, sort of a secret identity from my family, but it didn't work.
I've tried tumblr and several different names and concepts. I'm on MySpace but rarely touch it. I keep switching back and forth between that and Facebook. If you want to find me on Facebook, I'm Bethany I.