Apr 07, 2010 16:16
Good question.
At the very end of December, I went to a job interview without really realizing it was a job interview. It helped keep me from being overly nervous, but I was dressed more casual than I would have liked. Granted, this interview was at a machine shop and casual is acceptable. Asher's aunt works there, and her father owns and runs the place. I started doing light assembly work, putting together parts for dye machines... or something. It's only two days a week and the pay is just enough to pay fo gas and my college loan that came back into repayment. Unfortunately, it's like my job at LL Bean: dependent on the economy and work orders coming in. The work orders stopped coming in a month ago.
During the last month I've been looking at local colleges and schools. I don't want to become one of my co-workers: a 30-something redneck working two or three jobs, missing her top front row of teeth, and living with her boyfriend and his dad. I need to get an education in order to get any decent job that pays more than $8 an hour. Then again, I don't want to put up with a lot of B.S. like I went through with the last college.
I'm looking at career schools: the classes focus on what I need (no "core program" and extra-curricular junk), the overall cost is lower ($16k for a year and then graduate, versus $120k for a four year private college), and I'll leave the program to go straight to work.
I have my eye on massage therapy. It's something I think I could be good at. I can practice on my own or as part of a group business. And, if I decided to go back into a four year college, I can do it on the side to make money. I have an interview with the local Spa Tech school on Saturday. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
In unrelated news: the gas station down the road was robbed today. The criminal, said to be carrying a 9mm, is still at large and was seen leaving on a blue pedal bike. Seriously? This guy chose a bicycle as his getaway vehicle? Only in Maine.