Naked and Alone

Jan 24, 2009 21:41

Author: Beth9874

Title: Naked and alone

Fandom: Supernatural

Rating: T

Words: 350

Characters/pairings: Dean W

Spoilers: Very minor for 4x12

Summary: This is a world without happy endings, what if Dean Winchester lived to old age, would that be such a good think. Major Character Death, Tear Jerker

Authors Note: Just a little ficlet. I had to do it; the idea came to me on the bus, watching the old people alone in their separate seats.

Kansas 2052

If you were to walk across a old cornfield in the middle of Kansas, you would find a house, the wood is rotten and an ancient car sits covered in weeds in the yard.

Inside the house, in front of the door you would find a stack of old bills and advertising pamphlets, each addressed to a Mr D. Adams; the paper is old and faded and has been nibbled by rodents.

Through the door there is a kitchen, jars sit cluttered on the counter and a plate lays in the sink, dry, hard, ancient food stuck to it. The dust would clog your throat as you opened the next door

Inside you would find an old living room, the sofa and chair eaten away by moths and mice. In the corner a CRT TV that must be 50 years old sits covered in dust static from the screen would light up the room in an eerie glow

If someone headed up the stairs and into the bathroom, they would find a cracked bath and a sink covered in lime scale. The toilet is black from years of shit and piss.

If anyone were to open the door to the only bedroom, they would be hit by the thick stench of death. If they were to look on the bed they would find a body, rotting away with maggots in the eye socket.

If anyone approached the body they would see a necklace on the body’s neck, and a ring on a swelled up finger. If the looked closer they would see the ribs jutting out of the skin, the body’s feet had swollen up and died long before the person.

If the person surveying the house had been the doctor they would a seen the tell-tell sings of a heart problem.

But nobody will pass through these walls, and the house will crumble and the body will be covered with dust and dirt, left naked and alone.

Each of the lives he saved had forgot him, the angels didn’t save him, and the demons reclaimed their prize.

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